Friday, February 12, 2010

Guilty Recipe, But hey its for Valentines day

So its Valentines Day in 2 days so Im about to make some heart shaped spritz cookies for the family.

cookies sheets  No need to grease them.

Wilton cookies Pro Ultra II ( love it)

Wilton " no taste" Red coloring gel: Optional, Im using red to go with the whole Valentines day theme

$13.99 for a variety pack, well worth the money, or go to micheals craft store,  and pick them up individually. They are very potent and a little goes a long way.

Treat bags, any size or colors you fancy.

A hand mixer will do just fine, but  a stand mixer works miracles and saves you so much time and effort, Trust me Ive been baking without one until last November when my wonderful husband surprised me with one. Best gift I have ever recieved. Shop around and whip out those 20% off coupons if you know what I mean.  Ive made cupcakes, frosting, muffins, pizza dough, cookies, etc etc etc all in minutes beacuse of this handy helper, pricy but worth every cent.


1 1/2 cups butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

Try to always buy the best quality ingredients when possible, you will taste the difference, a good quality extract will last because very often recipes only call for a small amount of each.
( add coloring slowly until desired color is reached, combine either gel or liquid coloring , I like working it into the finished dough, but you can also add it to the cream mixture, whatever works best for you)

Preheat oven to 375F. Throughly cream butter and sugar. Add egg, milk, vanilla and almond extract;beat well. Stir together flour and baking powder; gradually add to creamed mixture, mixing to make a smooth dough.  Do not chill. Place dough into the cookie press and press away ( I like shaping the dough into a log before inserting it into the press or an airtight seal).  It may take a few tries but you'll get it to work, just take the duds and throw them back into the press.  Bake for 10-12 min until lighly browned around the edges, remove and cool.  If your oven is anything like mine, keep an eye in it.

hair back , washed hands, ovens on.

Happy Baking, I will update this post when my treats are ready.

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